Thursday 11 July 2013

{EXCLUSIVE} Faces at Tareks Birthday Bash at Pinnacle

Tarek (Middle)
We present exclusive pictures from the private birthday bash organized for Tarek at Pinnacle Nite Club, Calabar.
Tarek seized the opportunity to announce that he is no more the manager of the club, and hinted us that he is now the Managing Director of Pnnacle Nite Club, and they will be unfolding new exciting packages for fun lovers in the paradise city of Calabar.
Cute ladies, and key players in the entertainment industry were on ground to cheer him up

Tarek receiving a gift
Tarek & Whokes- Pinnacle MC         
On the dance floor
L-R: Cross River PMAN Chairman- Effiom Trombone (Eyen Calabar),Sway Sly Shows & Sombodi


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